Silver Taxi Sydney for Airport Transfers or General Transfers

Legal Notices and Disclaimers

Information and Content

The information and content contained in this site is for preliminary and general information only and does not constitute legal, financial or other professional advice. You must not rely on any information or content contained in, or omitted from, this site without obtaining independent advice.

No Warranties or Representations

Except to the extent that such warranties or representations are implied by law and cannot be excluded, Silver Taxi Cabs and its associates make no warranty or representation regarding the quality, currency, accuracy, reliability, performance, completeness or fitness for purpose of any part of the information and content on this site, or on any pages or sites linked to this site. In particular, Silver Taxi Cabs does not represent or warrant that the information and content on this site, or the facilities that make it available, will not cause damage, or are free from any computer virus or any other defects or errors, or that your access to the site will be uninterrupted or that your transmissions will be processed in a timely manner. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Silver Taxi Cabs is not liable (whether in contract, negligence or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from the use of this content and information.

Requests for Taxis

Requests for Taxi transport received by Silver Taxi Cabs are offered to Taxi drivers. Silver Taxi Cabs does not own or operate any taxis itself. Taxi hirings are not carried out by Silver Taxi Cabs does not and cannot guarantee the availability of a taxi to carry out such hirings or the timeliness of any taxi request.


Silver Taxi Cabs is not responsible for the information or content of any site accessed, or linked to, via this site. Links to other sites are provided for convenience only and do not represent any endorsement, sponsorship or approval of the products or services offered by the site owner or the information or content on such sites.


We are proud that we use SSL Digital certificates on our secure online booking system. We use the most secure Internet taxi booking system in Australia. When we capture your booking details they are encrypted through our secure server using encryption technology.

Whilst we are proud of our security, you should be aware that there may be security issues at your site or other issues which cannot be controlled by us.

For security purposes, your Internet protocol (IP) address will be recorded when you submit data to us or make a taxi booking.

Trademark and Copyright

All intellectual property rights subsisting in the contents of this website belong to Silver Taxi Cabs or have been lawfully licensed to Silver Taxi Cabs for use on this website. All rights under applicable laws are hereby reserved. Reproduction of this website in whole or in part without the express written permission of Silver Taxi Cabs is strictly prohibited.